Write on the Lake
LAke Winnipeg Writer’s Group Creative Writing and Photography Contest Contest Poster 2015
For Personal, Choral and Global Harmony
LAke Winnipeg Writer’s Group Creative Writing and Photography Contest Contest Poster 2015
LIST OF CURRENT MEMBERS OF MARGARET’S CHOIR INCIDENT RESPONSE TEAM DATE: October 1, 2014 DREAM TEAM CO-CHAIRS: Geoff Taylor getaylor@shaw.ca cell 292 5853 Pat Reid reidpat@shaw.ca 890-6590 MUSICAL DIRECTOR: Jeremy Vallance Jeremy_vallance@shaw.ca INCIDENT Continue Reading →
The choir has a group of volunteers who form the Incident Response Team. The purpose of the IRT is “to provide a coherent, rapid, and organized response to untoward incidents Continue Reading →
I am loving the choir as always, but it’s difficult at times following along because of the darn hearing loss… and there must be others with similar challenges. Here is Continue Reading →
★* *★ RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS WANTED FOR FOOD STUDIES ★* *★ A number of research studies are currently underway at the Asper Clinical Research Institute at St. Boniface Hospital and Continue Reading →
Dress for the actual event will be casual. Contact Pat Reid for details. Name tags are available for new people once you have paid. We are still waiting for approval Continue Reading →
Dream Team Members are: Sop: Atlanta Sloane, Margaret Tobin Alto: Lorraine O’Leary, Pat Reid, Dawn Lazar Tenor: Ed Rzeszutek, Bass: Geoff Taylor and Jeremy We are looking for a person Continue Reading →