March 9 6:30-9pm (5:00 dinner option)–guest motivators Ace Burpee, Cynthia Menzies, Tasha Spillett, Berni Plett, Rolande Kirouac….music by Direct Deposits….several choir members going..Liz Martin (soprano) 204 330 2795 purchased a table for 10 with a friend and now has room for a few others at that table…discount price for full table $13.40 tax included, for a full evening of motivation and laughter….. you can make it a full evening by coming to dinner first, doors open at 5 for those that have pre-purchased tables/tickets… contact me asap by email or phone
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don’t spend unnecessary time choosing clothes for choir…always passing over items you no longer wear… instead why not put them into a bag/box and bring them to choir to give to Liz Martin, soprano (204-330-2795)… I had the privilege Sept 22 to hand out donated good condition clothing just outside the Main St. Projects by the Salvation Army at 180 Henry Ave..several hundred men and women lined up in a friendly orderly manner to be served a nourishing dinner by the Gifts of Grace group and many found tops and pants, a few found runners and sweaters in the table of clothing. I did a shoe drive a couple of years ago and was overwhelmed with shoes from some choir members and hopefully this fall/winter clothing/footwear request will be the same…and yes, these folk will be very happy to receive clean used underwear and socs also..thanks in advance for anything you can donate. they will continue to give away clothing as long as they are serving outside…if you already donate to another charity that is wonderful, please just don’t leave them hanging or folded taking your space..let someone else love them as you have thanks liz