Hi Folks,
I hope you all had a great summer and are keen to get back to singing at Spirit’s Call Choir which starts this Sunday at 2. Please have new potential singers come at 1:30 for Margaret’s orientation. Since Margaret is in palliative care at Riverview these days her involvement will be minimal to keep her strength up. We are planning a sing out at Riverview on the 17th. It is 45 minutes from 6:30 to 7:15 and we can only have 30 to 40 people on the stage but everyone is welcome to be in the audience and sing along.
Jeremy has revised the web site. The new web address is www.spiritscallchoir.ca/scc but the old address will still get you there. Please print off or find the old music or find the music and bring it with you on Sunday and to Riverview. If you want to be on the stage at Riverview please send me an email and I will put you on the list or let you know that the quota for your section is full.
Bonnie would like to remind you that the printed copies that she has, are only for those without the ability to print from the web site. If you are having trouble getting onto the web site, send me an email getaylor@shaw.ca and I will help. We are planning to have a “How To” session for using the great features of Jeremy’s wonderful web site early in the season.
Some other notes:
– Orientation, which we hope will be done by Margaret, will start at 1:30 be at the back of the stage.
– We will need to be flexible and respectful for the UCC folks as they are having a function that is not scheduled to end until 1:30.
– Please – Do NOT Park in the staff spots.
– Please – No coffee (or anything other than water) in the sanctuary.
– Please – Be quiet when you go into the sanctuary for the orientation folks.
– Be sure to check out the Facebook link at the top of the web site or search for Spirit’s Call Choir in face book and keep up to date with all the warm and fuzzy, wonderful things that our Spirit’s Call Choir fb gurus Nancy Gajdosik and Shona Davidson are putting up there and feel free to join and contribute.
It going to be a great season.
See you soon.