A Note to Last Year’s Spirit’s Call Choir Membership

Please be aware that due to Margaret’s illness, changes are being made in our bank account to allow us to access our choir funds as needed. This is a bit of a process & we have started by adding Ed Rezeszutek as an additional signer alongside Pat Reid & removing Margaret, as she is no longer able to continue in this capacity. We have applied for a name change in the account to “Spirit’s Call Choir” but this also takes a bit of time. For the time being please make cheques payable to Pat Reid knowing that this is NOT my personal account but a way for us to make this transition. Today, Ed & I were at the bank starting these changes & were advised by the most helpful District Manager of the bank. Geoff Taylor has made application for the name “Spirit’s Call Choir” to be held for us so that we can make cheques payable to Spirit’s Call Choir in the near future but not soon enough for Sunday.

Oops, did I say Note??

Margaret is planning on welcoming new members Sunday, doing the orientation & the first opening of our singing season!! She will come in a wheelchair & will conduct the Orientation on the stage. This is the plan & Margaret will stick with it unless something unforeseen happens. Those who know Margaret know this is true


Please come one come all & join us at Riverview Care Centre, Wednesday, September 17th, 6:30pm to 7:15pm & sing either in choir formation or in the audience to honour Margaret & provide joy in song for the residents & staff of Riverview. Forty of you will form the choir out front (space limitations) but the rest of us can spread ourselves around the room to sing. Please plan on gathering at 6pm to give time to organize.

We also need about 10 singers to help bring down folks from their wards for the concert. Please contact me directly if you are able to assist in this way. Pat Reid, (204)452-6590. If you know someone who doesn’t access email please take it upon yourself to contact them & fill them in with all the above. Thank you in advance.

Love, Light & Laughter,
Pat Reid

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